Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

International Ph.D. program, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology, Germany

Teman-teman yang dirahmati Allah, hari ini saya share lagi lowongan beasiswa. Kali ini majornya Imunologi. Teman-teman lulusan biologi bisa mendaftar, diutamakan yang bergelar M.Sc., tetapi untuk para pelamar bergelar B.Sc. yang memiliki IPK excellent (kurang lebih = 4) bisa mndaftar.

Oke-oke, silakan dibaca infonya!! semoga bermanfaat..

March 25, 2010
Application for autumn semester starts on 10th April 2010 and closes 31st May 2010.

We are the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular biology (IMPRS-MCB) – a joint international PhD program of the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology (MPI-IB) and the University of Freiburg.

You have a passion for Molecular and Cellular Biology and want to do cutting edge research in


We bring together scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and from the University of Freiburg – two leading scientific institutions in Europe.

With us you will work on challenging cutting edge scientific projects
get full funding for the time of the PhD go through intensive scientific education- theoretical and practical get in contact with world leading scientist enjoy the privilege of intense mentoring have a chance to test 3 labs of your choice before starting a PhD (rotation) earn your PhD in 3-4 years At IMPRS-MCB you can become first class scientist and make a fantastic step to very fruitful scientific career.

Please read more about Our Research, Funding, Application and Your PhD in corresponding sections.

We are looking forward to your application.

How should you apply?

You can apply for the program two times a year- in spring and in autumn.

You need to be an MSc or Excellent BSc student/holder. You can apply for Autumn Semester by 31st May.

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