Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Tips for Creating Good Resume

June 18, 2010
Your resume is an important step in your search for a job. Recruiters use resumes as an essential part of the screening process Due to time constraints, they have only seconds to scan the first few paragraphs of each document and decide whether they will dump it the wastebasket or read on.

You can follow these tips to create an interesting and impressive resume.

Craft your resume with a single objective in your mind which will further help you to elaborate on and sell your qualifications in face-to-face communications with one or more decision makers.

Examine the job you want to apply and customize your resume to suits the description. You can browse the company profile on the internet and learn its history, culture and products.

Create a ‘career highlights’ sub section in your resume template. This offers a comprehensive, at-a-glance look at the experiences and abilities of a prospective employee. What are the qualifications, job experiences and other things that set one apart from all other applicants? A gist of your special qualifications should find place in your resume.

Educational qualifications: These are of course important when a person is entering the job market; but they do not cease to be important later either; they can be as important for a prospective employer as your on job experiences

Be honest. With the aid of computer screening programs it is easier than ever to pick up discrepancies in a document. Some applicants try to fudge on their qualifications.

Don’t spell out a litany of positions you have held. Instead, for example, if you were a sales manager, relate how sales were increased under your leadership. Recruiters hire people based more on their accomplishments than their experience. For e.g. don’t claim “strong communications skills.” Demonstrate the fact by the effectiveness of your resume and cover letter. Compute your accomplishments in order to increase their effectiveness.

Include mentions of awards or special recognitions you may have won. They will add to impact that your resume formats make on prospective employers

Keep your resume short and to the point. In today’s highly competitive job market, there is a temptation to go on and on, wanting to load the document with all of the positives that paint the best possible picture. If you go longer, the reader can easily conclude that you can’t organize and focus your thoughts.

Use good quality stationery. The resume should be clearly printed and easy to read. Make sure the font is large and clear. Even if you are emailing your resume, make sure that the formatting is clear and not crowded.

Don’t allow a single error in spelling and grammar slip into your resume. Get a friend, preferable one well versed in rules of the English language, to proof read your documents. Errors free resume points to a worker’s work qualities such as meticulousness and attention to detail.

Also errors in contact information may prevent a prospective employer from getting in touch with you! And make sure that your contact information makes it simple to access you. Don’t give an email address that you don’t check regularly.

Having a general resume is a good idea, but it must be customized to dovetail with the precise requirements of each different job that you apply for. Appropriate modifications/changes must be made as required.

Good resume will magnetize the employer to hire you as employee. Typically yours is one of dozens resumes that a potential employer is going through to short list candidates for the interview for any job. So if your resume is not able to say anything special or if it does not set itself apart from others on a qualitative basis, then chances are you’re never going to get that interview call. So what are the features of a winning resume that you should adopt in order that your resume doesn’t end up with all the others in the ‘discarded’ pile.

Good luck in your job search. Please feel free to post comments and discuss.

Vidhi Johari
Career Adviser

Read more: http://scholarship-positions.com/blog/tips-for-creating-good-resume/201006/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ScholarshipPositionsBlog+%28Blog+Scholarship-Positions.com%29&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail#ixzz0sRJmGP1v

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