Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Erasmus Mundus MSc Scholarships in Science for International Students

August 5, 2010
Masters scholarship in the science of animal-derived foods for International students.

Job Description: EM Food of Life is a cross-disciplinary Masters Course.
In a unique way, the course combines animal science and food science and technology.
EM Food of Life is offered by:
* University of Copenhagen
* Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
* Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
* University of Helsinki

Non-EU and EU Students
The EM Food of Life Masters Course is open to non-EU and EU students.

Every year approx. 17-20 EU scholarships are available.
* Category A Scholarships for Third-Country nationals: Total € 48.000 EUR
* Category B Scholarships for European nationals and others complying with the 12 months rule: Total € 20.000

Category A scholarships can be awarded to masters students from all countries other than the 27 EU member states and the EEA-EFTA states: Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. Furthermore, you must comply with the 12 months rule: you must not be a resident nor have carried out your main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.

Category B scholarships can be awarded to any masters students who do not fulfil the category A criteria defined above, i.e. nationality requirement and 12 months rule.

For both categories please note:
1. You must study in two of the consortium partner countries.
2. The two countries must be different from the country in which you obtained your last university degree.

It is possible to be admitted to the Course, even though you are not awarded a scholarship. You will then have to cover EM Food of Life participatory costs. If you finance your study yourself, you are allowed to study in the country of your last university degree.

Non-EU Scholars
Every year, the EM Food of Life Masters Course awards a limited number of scholarships to third-country scholars/guest lecturers, who wish to spend time at one of the four European partner institutions giving lectures, supervising projects, doing research etc.

* Scholarship: 1.200 EUR / week

Deadline for Applications (Admission in Autumn 2011)

* 1 December 2010 – NON-EU Students
* 2 May 2011 – EU students for a scholarship

The application form incl. all obligatory enclosures must be received by the Secretariat by these dates.

Read more:

2 komentar:

  1. mbak wina saya tertarik dengan beasiswa ini tp saya sekarang masih belum lulus alias masih sms 7 apakh beasiswa ini bisa untuk undergraduate maksudnya daftarnya boleh sekarang jd kalo dah lulus tinggal melanjutkan s2 dengan beasswa yg ada. selanjutnya hub sy di email aja mb.
    saya bio unair 2007

  2. waah, sayang bgt ya Zahra..deadline nya tgl 1 Desember tuh..jd kmungkinan besar g bisa. Erasmus mundus itu tiap tahun ada, bs dcoba lg kl sudah lulus. Beasiswa exchange student biasanya ada, tp sy blm dpt infonya.
    Hmm, btw kl mw liat2 aplikasi formnya insyaAllah sy bs kirim lwt imel. barangkali ingin tahu apa saja syara yg harus dipenuhi...
    thanks for commenting my blog post^^
