Jumat, 17 September 2010

Erasmus Mundus: Masters Scholarship Programme 2011-12 in International Performance Research (MAIPR) for International Students

September 14, 2010

MA in International Performance Research (MAIPR) Erasmus Mundus programme for International Students

Funded by the European Commission, the MA in International Performance Research (MAIPR) Erasmus Mundus programme from autum 2011 will be offered by four internationally renowned academic institutions: the University of Warwick in the UK; the Universiteit van Amsterdam (the University of Amsterdam) in The Netherlands; the Tampereen Yliopisto (the University of Tampere) in Finland, the latter in cooperation with Helsingin Yliopisto (the University of Helsinki); and the Arts University of Belgrade (Serbia)

Students study at two of these institutions, a home and a mobility institution. The two institutions at which you study – and either can be your home or your mobility location – will be a combination of Warwick, Amsterdam and Arts Belgrade. You also conduct fieldwork and arts research in these countries. You will spend from the beginning of the course until the December holiday break at your home institution. You then go to your mobility institution, where you will study until the end of June. When you finish your mobility period, you will be expected to complete your studies at your home university.

In addition, all students attend a summer school in Finland, run by Tampere, thereby benefitting from additional teaching and supervision by Finnish tutors throughout the programme.

Students successfully completing the programme will receive a double degree from the Universities of Warwick, Amsterdam or Arts Belgrade.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships: the European Commission, via the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), funds two scholarship competitions for outstanding students from outside the EU and for selected EU/EEA/EFTA students, as well as for a number of visiting scholars. Please see at the link for more details.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships (SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION)

Erasmus Mundus (EM) Scholarships are funded by the European Commission (EC), under the management of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). EM scholarships are awarded to the strongest applicants to the MAIPR programme itself, in accordance with the rules and regulations set by the EACEA.

EM Scholarship Competition 2011-12 Eligibility: Erasmus Mundus has two separate competitions, Category A and Category B:

CategoryA: € 36 000: The application deadline is Tuesday, 4th January 2011

Category A scholarships are aimed at covering all the costs of the programme, therefore fees, travel and living expenses over 16 months:

* 10 scholarships for eligible third-country applicants (therefore those whose nationality and place of abode are outside of the EU/EEA/EFTA area) who have lived, studied and/or worked for LESS THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.
* 2 additional scholarships are reserved for eligible West Balkans and Turkish applicants who have lived, studied and/or worked for LESS THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.

After the € 12 000 programme fee has been deducted from the EM scholarship, you will receive € 24 000. This amount is made up as follows:

* € 8 000 travel and installation allowance
* € 16 000 monthly stipend

The above will usually be paid in 16 x monthly instalments of 1 500 €. The first payment will be made shortly after arrival at your home university.

Category B: € 14 000: The application deadline is Tuesday, 4th January 2011

Category B scholarships are considered as financial contributions rather than full scholarships:

* 8 scholarships for eligible EU/EEA/EFTA applicants, also third-country applicants who have lived, studied and/or worked for MORE THAN a cumulative period of 12 months within the EU/EEA/EFTA area as at 31 January 2011.

After the programme fee has been deducted from the EM scholarship, an EU student will receive € 8 000 to be paid over 16 months at the rate of € 500 per month.

EM Scholarship Competitions: you do not apply separately for either of the EM scholarship competitions. Recommendations are made by the MAIPR consortium and are based solely on the quality of the application to the MAIPR programme itself. See the How to Apply webpage for more information.

EM scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. It is therefore important that your MAIPR application is as strong as possible as competition for the scholarships is very strong. You should also bear in mind that you may be accepted onto the MAIPR programme but not be awarded a scholarship. Remember: if you apply for the MAIPR after the 4th-January 2011 deadline, you cannot be entered into the EM competition

Read more: http://scholarship-positions.com/erasmus-mundus-masters-scholarship-programme-2010-in-international-performance-research-maipr-for-international-students/2010/09/14/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ScholarshipPositions+%28International+Scholarships+and+Financial+Aid+Positions%29&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail#ixzz0zmZaZAFA

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