Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

International PhD Programme of the Helmholtz Graduate School at the MDC

The Helmholtz Graduate School “Molecular Cell Biology” is a collaboration between the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), Freie Universität Berlin and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin medical faculty. We offer, alongside outstanding research training, an interdisciplinary platform for structured PhD training to all doctoral students at the MDC. The graduate school currently supports 350 PhD students, one third of whom come from abroad.

The research diversity offered by the 55 groups working at the MDC covers the areas of
1.Cardiovascular & Metabolic Research
2.Cancer Biology & Immunology
4.Developmental Biology
5.Medical Systems Biology & Bioinformatics
6.Structural Biology

The programme combines academic research, education and training from accomplished professors and researchers, access to high-end technology and collaborations, all within the campus. Research training is supplemented with teaching lectures in the main research areas, methods workshops, introductions to new technologies, soft-skills courses and opportunities for career development to foster the personal and scientific development of our students. To help our students keep track of the various activities and courses during their PhD, the Graduate School operates a Credit Point System for courses and conferences attended and participation in career development activities. This helps students to structure their training so that it meets individual needs and interest.

Fall 2011 PhD Selection

*Online registration will open May 10
*Deadline for Application September 1
*Pre-selection September 1 - 30
*Interview week in Berlin November 8 - 10

Important Notice for Applicants:
Successful candidates must start their PhD project at the latest by 1 May, 2012.

How to apply
1.Please register at the application portal.
2.After successful registration you will receive a confirmation link via email that allows you to log in. Please read the Information for applicants carefully.
3.Login at the application portal and fill out the sections. All mandatory fields are marked.
4.Upload all required documents.
5.Add the names and addresses of 2 referees. As soon as you have entered contact details your referees will automatically receive a request for letter of recommendation. Please make sure that references arrive on time! You cannot change your referee once you have saved the contact. If there is a problem contact us in time. References arriving after the deadline will not be processed and applications will be considered incomplete.
6.Don’t forget to submit your application once you have completed your sections. You don't have to wait for your reference letters to arrive for you to submit. After submission you won’t be able to edit the sections, but you can check the status of your letters of recommendation. We will inform you within 5 weeks of the application deadline whether you are invited for interviews to Berlin.

For further information please visit: http://www.mdc-berlin.de/en/phd_ausbildung/phd_program/Application_Portal/How_to_apply/index.html

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