Selasa, 26 April 2016

Teaching Animal Physiology Class with a Role Play Method

I did remember when my friend, Prita once told me about a role play method. She is a very creative and innovative lecturer, so I bet she has already applied all the teaching methods she'd known. Haha. But one thing, she is a social science lecturer, which in my opinion, this social science lessons have much more flexibility than a natural science.

So at that time, it felt so impossible for me to teach my students using this kind of technique. But then everything has changed when this semester I have to teach animal physiology. This lessons is quite interesting because students can easily apply the knowledges to theirselves, because studying animals also means studying human body.

Then this is it, I asked my students to role play a certain animal physiology system with their groups. They looked enjoy the discussion very much to prepare the role playing. The role play activity was also quite enjoyable. They played something and got the knowledge at the same time. That's a win win solution to the students and also the lecturer, so the students will have a deeper understanding, and the lecturer doesn't need to explain the details of the concept. After the role play, there was a discussion in the class, aiming to give feed back to the role play, whether it's scientifically correct or not. In this discussion, all groups must be involved.

I want to put the videos here, unfortunately I forget where I put the videos. Sorry for that. However, still in my opinion, not every lesson in term of natural science, can be delivered by using this method. For example, to teach plant stucture and morphology, the application of plant determination is much more needed in order to make the student understand.

Ok, that's all for today. Happy Wednesday^^!

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